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My Story

Having grown up in Hong Kong, I was exposed to both Eastern and Western cultures at an early age.
Having worked in the corporate world at an early age, I quickly became attracted to the spiritual side of life. There was more to life than following orders and meeting deadlines.
What did happiness, freedom, career and a healthy lifestyle actually mean?What was consciousness, awareness, spirituality and enlightenment?
Coming to the Ganga in Rishikesh gave me clarity, calmness, peace and happiness in life. This has been possible by undoing all the conditioning that society has subjected us to.I wish to help others achieve the same and teach them to find themselves and live in harmony with their own essence.
I had a routine medical check up done a few years ago. I was told by the nurse that my metabolic age was 26. My internal body was functioning like a 26 year old. That made me so happy, as I wish I was, but I am no longer a 26 year old. It also made me realize how my yogic lifestyle was helping me to stay young. And I wish to share this with my students.
I joined the Rainbow Gathering in India in 2018. The base camp was at Munshiyari, at the foothills of the great Himalayas. We could see the snow-capped peaks rising up on the other side of the valley from us. It was a beautiful pink and orange hue that the snow took on at sunset. In the morning a group of about 10 of us took off to climb to the site for the gathering, which we were told was a 2 hour trek up the mountain. Most of my fellow travelers climbing with me that day were about half my age. Yet, their pace was so slow that I would proceed far ahead of them and then have to wait for several minutes for them to catch up. And this happened many times during the climb. This incident again made me realize how efficient my physical body was compared to those much younger than me. It probably had a lot to do with the purity of what I was putting into my body too. As many of the others seemed to be habitually consuming psychotropic substances.
A pure body, mind and soul are the desire of the yogi.

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